Potential animal health issues, tasks to consider and reminders for this month include…
- Drying off – continues for some farms. It is important to keep a good eye on cow body condition to ensure it doesn’t drop too low. Watch for falling productions levels and potential increased risk of inhibitory substance grades. Consider the benefits of a dry period drench.
- Trace Elements – For those that haven’t started yet, test herd mineral status – this needs doing before winter sets in.
- Vaccinations – Salmonella vaccine may be advised during the dry period and plan for calf scour vaccinations – check your Colostrum management. Don’t forget Leptospirosis vaccinations need doing prior to drying off.
- Teatsealing – is in full swing. If you haven’t already done so, ring us to make booking. Standard recommendation is six weeks before planned start of calving.
- Transition Planning – make sure you have this in place.
- Look at your winter feed budget, this is looking like a tight winter in many areas.
- Keep an eye on liver fluke.
- Continue to monitor general health over this quiet time of year.
- Hind pregnancy scanning is recommended to get the most out of your fawning.
- Teeth – Now is a great time to book in and have teeth done while they are out of work over winter.
- Feed – Ensure they have a good quality hay that is mould and dust free. If you have difficulty maintaining your horse’s weight during winter, you may need to increase the fat component in their diet. Please phone the clinic to discuss a suitable feed plan with one of our equine vets.